Monday, May 20, 2013

A look back

I have realized that its been awhile since I posted here. Much has happened. After my August show (which was a success, and I was invited back!) I had another Art on the Town joint showing with another artist at Thrifty Tickets Thrift Store in September. That did pretty well. I was able to keep my work there until after Christmas and sold 10 pieces and a few cards as well.  My winter work sold the best.

I also purchased a new camera, the NEX-5R/ It has these amazing apps on it like the watercolor app used in the picture above. Its fantastic for floral closeups too like the one below:

 I will continue to explore these apps which also include an HDR app and a "soft glow" app. Lots of fun in store!
In March my work was able to be part of two events. One was a silent auction for  Flanagan's Beer and Wine Festival that raises money for various auctions. Another was in a joint gallery showing with
many other female artists for the Wine, Women and Art event.  I was one of four photographers. (two of the three pieces I submitted were selected!) Some of these women have been at their craft for over 30 years and it made me wonder where I will be in 30 years and why am I in such a rush?    Its okay to slow down and figure out who I am as an artist.

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